Why is storytelling important in content marketing?
Storytelling has been one of the oldest forms of imparting sustainable knowledge and leading Digital Agencies in India have been using this form for effective content development for their brands. The power of storytelling has been existing to objectify, communicate a message, or as general entertainment in stories that are said.
A complicated concept is better explained in a very simple way through understanding because it creates relevance making it easy to understand. One of the best Content Development agencies in Mumbai says “Storytelling is a skill that only a few possess, it’s an art that cannot be learned in a day, it needs to be mastered and evolve.”
Here are some insights from our experts who have not only mastered but are working round the clock to shift the paradigm of digital design services in India.
Why Everyone Enjoys Storytelling
A human connection is created when people see, read and hear stories, an empathy is created. It leaves us with imagination taking us to live in the story and enjoy the art and glory of it.
With the outburst of the Pandemic, digitalization has played a very important role. It has helped us to stay connected with relevant audiences, customers, and stakeholders. We have observed a massive shift in the modes of communication leading to newer formats.
Storytelling & Marketing
The primary goal of marketing is to sell a product or service, but many of us have forgotten the fact that marketing also allows you to engage with the product/service. While creating this connection between the brand/product and its audience, storytelling is intensively used to build this.
Best Content Marketing Agencies in India believe that best storytelling practices let the audience know the product in a very different way, this includes :
● Grabbing the attention of the customer in shortened attention span
● Growing content types for the audience’s attention
● Giving a soft sell point
Why is storytelling important in marketing?
● People remember stories 22x more times than facts and figures
● Storytelling boosts engagement by 30%
● 62% of B2B marketers rated storytelling as an effective content marketing tactic.
It is vital to know the story of the product you buy. Knowing the story of how the product came about, why it was made, and what will be the experience if you make the purchase will give a different perspective.
Here is a list of insights that most of the best content marketing agencies in India believe that will aid them in creating better content strategy
● A deeper and stronger connection is built between the brand and customer
● Anything with human element attracts everyone
● Storytelling in marketing is just not advertising, it goes beyond that
● Engagement is achieved
● The vision of your brand is communicated in a pleasant way
● Telling your story that is unique will take you on top of your competitors list
At EvolutionCo our experts use storytelling approaches for major clients. One amongst such is the leading beverage manufacturer, notable FMCG brand Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages. For HCCB our experts have used an extensive storytelling approach to showcase a brand made by people for people.
Storytelling can be expressed in oodles of formats, here is a glimpse of our works that shows some of the marquee ways of storytelling.
A Crash Course in Digital Storytelling
The practice of using computer based tools to tell a story is called digital storytelling. Digital storytelling contains a mix of computer-based images, text, recorded audio narration, video clips and/or music.
The topics that are used in Digital Storytelling range from personal tales to exploring life in one’s own community to the search for better life, and literally, everything in between. Check out a story created for empowering the men of Angola, Africa with the Men’s Grooming brand Rox. One can observe the intricacies of the story as the content was especially created to appeal to a niche audience in a way to build camaraderie and fulfill the brand’s business objectives as well.
Storytelling Trends for 2021
EvolutionCo believes that video content will be consumed a lot and they will be used as a vital tool to tell a story. The prediction became a reality in 2020 and is continued in 2021.
Here are few storytelling trends in marketing that you should be aware of for this year.
● Data Driven Storytelling — It’s time to explore some data with storytelling. Data Driven storytelling is prone to give a context to the audience. Brands include data in an anecdote to emphasize a problem and how their product could solve it. Providing data facts would give a sense of trust to customers.
● Stories from customers — Authenticity is always craved by customers. Brands can give them through the power of storytelling in marketing and that is to ask actual product users to propel the process.
● Visual Storytelling Through Videos — Visual storytelling is majorly communicating a story via videos. You can achieve several goals, including giving a unique and compelling account of events. Putting a face to the brand and letting them tell the story of a brand has always worked pretty well in marketing and it continues in 2021.
These are not the only ways of storytelling marketing that will influence your customer. But these trends would definitely aid them. To know more about the right content mix for your brand or to build one you can reach out to us at this link. Check out more of our work on our website.
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